Monday, April 25, 2016

 Today was the first time the Ryan family ventured out into the world, all five of us, to play some disc golf. It's a beautiful day, a perfect 65-70 degrees, and the course at Portage Lake, Michigan, was perfect. Lots of shade, which was perfect for the kids considering my mom brain totally forgot the sunscreen! Fortunately, the twins were in the double stroller and we kept Harry mostly in the shade. Goose and I did not fair as well, and are both pretty much lobsters at this point. That's what we get for going twice in a row and forgetting sunscreen both times!

I am getting so much better. It feels like I learn a tremendous amount every time we go out discing. I have been trying to throw side arm, and it's working for me! I like to drive with forearm and put the same way, but on the midway throwing sidearm seems to be working for me! I even had a hole on par, which is a first for me. Watch out, maybe you'll see me go pro on the Youtube videos :p #discgolfgirls here I come!

It felt so great to get out, all of us together. Usually we have a sitter when we go discing, as we like to do the full 18 holes and that would simply be too much on the littler members of our family. Ever since our Jeep caught on fire and was totaled, we haven't had a stroller - we were lucky enough to have an extra carseat that Harry is almost grown out that wasn't in the vehicle when it went up in flames. We have three infant seats and no bases, but we are very blessed that no one was hurt and we still at least have the seats that can be buckled in. We also lost a lot of other important things in that fire we will never get back, and I think all of our spirits have been suffering over it. Yes, we have a great rental, but it's not the same. The Jeep was the first vehicle we owned outright, and it felt so good to be able to say that! We'll find another vehicle, hopefully one with less miles and one that runs better, but I will always remember and love our Jeep.

So, some of you might have noticed as well that I dyed my hair purple. What do you think? I absolutely love it. I feel like Prince would be proud of me <3

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