Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Diaper Hell

You may not consider this when thinking about my family, but I change roughly twenty diapers a day. Between my almost 16 month old and my twin 4 month old babies, I go through so many diapers that I literally have nightmares. I wake up in a cold sweat, shaking, after dreaming that I had three poopslopsions and the only diaper options I have are one Walmart cheapie and a rag. I have changed diapers in my sleep, half awake, and woken to find that I put it on backwards or one flap isn't connected. My nursery reaks of urine and poop, even when I have the window open - the smell has permeated the walls and carpets, and I need an industrial sized air-freshener to get rid of the stank. I have no idea what we spend in diapers - I know it's astronomical.

Before you suggest cloth diapering, remember that I already have to keep up on laundry for five people. Adding in cloth diapers would make my life that much harder, though I'm sure Mother Nature would appreciate it. It's just not an option for my family - getting started would easily cost more than our rent and electric bill combined. It's just not going to happen.

I am so tired of diapers. I can't wait until AT LEAST Harry begins potty training... Sigh.

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